Party In Key West: Key West News: Trio Skateboard to Key West to rais…

Key West New

Trio skateboarding to Key West to raise awareness, money for cancer research

American Cancer Society Donations


KEY WEST, FL to WILMINGTON, NC — A few friends are skateboarding to Key West, FL for cancer awareness.
The group started their journey two weeks ago in Virginia Beach and are heading to Key West, FL.
They don’t have an entourage, a news crew, or any support vehicles following them. These three friends are just three guys, skateboarding to Key West – just their skateboards and their backpacks.
The friends say this is a great way to meet new people and raise awareness for cancer research.
“We all have had people in our families lose from cancer,” Sean Barfield said, “and we just want to help people and show people that skateboarders and surfers and stuff aren’t all mess-ups and beach bums. We can actually do something good.”
The group encourages donations to the American Cancer Society.
They hope to complete what they call “The Cancer Cruise” within the next two months. We will keep you posted on their adventure to help find the cure for Cancer! Good luck Guys! 


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