Party In Key West: Orphaned sea lions find new home in Florida Keys


Orphaned sea lions find new home in Key Largo,  FL

KEY LARGO, FLA. — Two young orphaned Sea Lions from California get a new home in Key Larog, FL. They are just now getting acclimated to their new home in the Florida Keys.
Monday marked the first time officials at Dolphins Plus Marine Mammal Research   could hand-feed the 75-pound baby Sea Lions that are less than a year old. The animals arrived in Key Largo, via a FedEx cargo on Saturday. 
The California centers usually have 40-50 stranded Sea Lions pups but this year were overwhelmed of the stranded Sea Lions this year.  Last year, by the Spring of 2013, they were so overwhelmed, caring for more than 1,000 plus sea lion pups found severely malnourished, that they started seeking permanent homes outside the Pacific Coastline. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration solicited licensed marine mammal centers reaching out as far as the Florida Keys for help.
A Dolphins Plus animal specialist and veterinarian traveled to Vallejo, Calif., to escort the Sea Lions to their new home in Key Largo to ensure their safety and well-being. 

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